Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Kleinkram zwischendurch

Zur Zeit läuft ja wieder ein größeres Projekt, Herr und Frau Mondjung werden für ihr Handfasting eingenäht. Ich sag nur, es wird très chic :D Dennoch habe ich es zwischendurch geschafft, ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu werkeln.

These days I work on a big project, Mr. and Mrs. Moonvirgin need some clothes for their handfasting. I can say by now, it's going to be très chic *g* I don't know how I managed, but I also found some minutes for other little projects ;)

Ich habe mir zwei schöne dünne knochennadeln zum Nähen besorgt und will sie weder zerbrechen, noch in einem hässlichen Plastikdöschen verstecken. Also habe ich einen Rest Stoff von meinem Wollkleid geschnappt und zu einer kleinen Nadelrolle verarbeitet. Der Stoff ist einfach toll, er schimmer bei genauerem Hinsehen in verschiedenen Rosttönen.

I got two little and very fine bone needles and I don't want to break them but I don't want to hide them in an ugly plastic thingy. So I took some leftover fabric from my woolen dress and made a little needle roll. I love the colourful glint on this fabric.

Zwei schöne versilberte granulierte Perlen vom letzten Beutezug mit Frau Mondjung habe ich zu Ohrhängern nach slavischem Vorbild verarbeitet.

I worked these two granulated and silver plated pearls from Mrs. Moonvirgin's and my last looting into earrings in slavic style.

Ach ja, der Beutezug...Frau Mondjung und ich waren ja auf der Marburger Kreativmesse und haben da so einiges gefunden, was wir in noch tollere Sachen verwandeln werden ;)

Well...the looting *g* We visited our local crafts fair and found some great things for to turn into even better things ;)

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012


Seit Jahren hing ein Trinkhorn herum. Ein ganz langweiliges. Wenn es ein Gegenstand schon freiwillig so lange in meiner Nähe aushält, hat er es auch verdient, etwas aufgehübsch zu werden ;)
Also habe ich den Brandmalkolben angeschmissen und zwei Muster Punkt für Punkt in das Horn zu brennen. Bah, hat das lecker gerochen *g*
Das obere Muster am Rand stammt ursprünglich vom St. Manchan's Shrine, das andere Muster stammt von der Mammen-Axt.

A very boring drinking horn was hanging around here for years. Plain and boring. It definitely deserved to be more pretty. So I dreww two patterns on it by pyrography, every little dot per dot. I can tell you, that was tasty *g*
The upper pattern is taken from the St. Manchan's Shrine, the other from the Mammen Axe.

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Komischer Kauz

Hm. Mist. Ich wurde inspiriert. Weil jemand gezeichnet hat, musste ich es auch tun, konnte mich einfach nicht wehren.

Damn, I got inspired. Since someone did draw I had to do it too. Just couldn't defend myself against it.

He stumbled into the woods and was guided by the spiraling roots of the trees. Trees that stood there in the twilight. But did they really just stand? He thought he saw an indefinite movement from the corner of his eye. It was not the first time that he was assailed by this strange feeling. Well, moving trees behind him, so he moved on foreward. Herbs touched his legs as if they were fumbling for the trespasser.
As he longed deeper into the woods his breath slowed down, his movements became smoother and he managed to set his steps without producing as much noise as he did before.
The twilight had turned into a darker shade of blue and every now and then he could see a glimpse of stars through the intertwined branches and twigs above him. He didn't know where he was going or why, he only knew he was. He exists. and that was more than he ever knew before.
He put one foot in front of the other. There was no path but the roots at his sides seemed to forme inticate patterns. Did they clos the way behind him? Would he ever be able to find out again? these questions appeared in his mind just for one moment, like a flash but were gone in the next second. He went on as if in a trance.
Something drew his attention to it. His nares widened a bit and he smelled a smoky breeze. But there was also something heavy and sweet in this smoke.
Now his eyes widened too. If there was the smell of fire, then there had to be someone in this wood. Normally he would have chosen a visible path and tried to avoid contact with other people. But how could he do that this night, in a wood not known to him with no obviously paths and trees which seemed to push him ever deeper into the unknown. So he just went on.

She sat there beneath the old oak at the edge of the small clearing. Her hair hang down over her forehad and the fire did cast a coppery glint on it. She grasped into a leatherbag with srange patterns on it, murmered somethng into her closed hands as she drew them from the pouch and then spilled various sticks, stones and shells on the ground. She began to move her hands above the scattered objects and read the runes on the stones and the directions of the sticks.
Now the fiery glint lit her eyes too. Bright eyes, eys that knew the secrets of this forest, the secrets of earth, water, air and fire.
She knew that she was not alone this night. He had finally felt the call. It was not her call, but she had heard it too, man many years ago. Sometimes she wasn't even able to tell, if it was in this life or in one of the others before. The call had become a part of her.
She took a bowl from the rim of the fire. A liquid was in it which smelled heavy. Before she lifted the bowl to her lips she threw a hand full of herbs and resin into the ashes and waved her feather fan with a handle from deer antler. She took a deep breath and drank. Nothing happened for some moments, then she sank into the darkness.
The tawny owl cried as it became aware of the lonely wanderer. It followed him with wide opened dark eyes. It didn't miss one single movement of his muscles. Then he really had heard the call. And the forest did its part to lead him. As it always does when it's time.

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012

A Tasty Bealtaine

Die Mädels und ich hatten auch dieses Jahr wieder einen tollen Bealtaine-Abend an einem wundervollen Fleckchen Erde mit einem Feuer unter Mond und Sternen.
Das tolle an diesen Festen ist auch, dass sie bei uns immer extrem lecker gefeiert werden *g* Jeder, der mag, bringt etwas mit.
Ich bin also am Nachmittag vor unserem Fest losgezogen, um ein paar Kräuter zu holen. Einige Leute, die mir begegnet sind waren wohl leicht irritiert von einem Menschen mit Federn im Haar - und schlimmer noch - einem Lächeln im Gesicht. So hab ich ein paar Radler erschreckt und ein älteres Ehepaar hat kurzerhand seinen Plan für den Spaziergang geändert und einen anderen Weg genommen *g*
Naja, die Kräuter, die ich wollte, habe ich auch gefunden und mitgenommen. Giersch, Ampfer, Scharbockskraut, Pimpinelle und Lungenkraut wurden nach Hause geschleppt und zu leckeren Kräuterbrötchen verarbeitet.

The girls and me had a wonderful Bealtaine night out at one of our favourite places for these occasions where we can lit a fire and spend the evening under the moon and stars.
One thing we like especially about those feast are, that they are so yummy ;) Everyone who likes brings something along and shares it.
So I went collecting some herbs the afternoon before we met. With the feathers in my hair and a smile on my face I seemed to scare some folks who were passing by on their bikes and an elderly couple who obviously changed their plans on the walking path *g*
But I got the herbs I had looked for. Ground elder, common sorrel, pilewort, burnet and lungwort and took them home to prepare some tasty herb rolls for our feast.

Dazu habe ich noch etwas indische Gewürzbutter gemacht und auch zum Feuer am Abend mitgenommen. Von den Brötchen muss ich unbedingt noch welche machen, solange der Giersch noch so schön frisch aus der Wäsche schaut :)

Along with them I brought a jar of indian style spiced butter.
Have to make some more of them as long as the ground elder looks that fresh :)

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

Ein Verpackungspost ;)

Einige von euch werden ein paar der folgenden Bilder ja schon aus einem anderen Blog kennen, aber ich wollte sie selber auch nochmal vorstellen ;)

Some of you might know some of the following pics from an other blog, but I wanted to show them myself too ;)

Erstmal zeige ich euch die neue Sceide, die ich für das Martiini-Messer von meinem Vater gebaut habe. Die mitgelieferte Scheide fand er nicht so schön und hat mich gebeten, ihm eine andere zu bauen.

First, I made a new sheath for my father's Martiini knife. It had a sheath, but he didin't like it that much and asked me to make a more decent one. So, here it is :)

 Dann habe ich meinen Schnitzmesserchen auch ein neues Zuhase verpasst. Das Etui war mal eine Hose, bzw. ein halbes Bein davon ;)

I put my carving tools into a new little cozy home. A nice way to recycle old trousers ;)

Geschlossen wird das Mäppchen mit Klettband an den Seiten.

It's closed on both sides with some hook-and-loop tape.

And now I'd like to show you a sheath which I made for a very special knife you might know from here.

Und jetzt zu einer Scheide für ein Messerchen, das ihr von hier kennen könntet ;)


Da der Messergriff wie der Kopf eines Vogels geformt ist, wollte ich diese formen auch auf der Scheide weiterführen. Ich habe also den Körper eines keltischen Vogels gezeichnet, wie man ihn auch in vielen irischen Handschriften finden kann und habe ihn dann mittels Brandmalerei auf das Leder übertragen.

Since the handle is shaped like a bird's head I wantet to enter this morphology into the sheath too. So I drew a celtic bird as it can be found in various Irish manuscripts and used pyrography to draw it onto the leather. 

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